Ashley & Trace Engagement


June 3, 2024

Stop it right now! I can’t even handle these two!! Ashley & Trace are getting married!! I met up with them in Huntsville for their engagement photos and I did not want to stop. Eventually I had to find it in my heart to set Trace free…

Us girls love our photos and the guys are so kind to go along with it all. For real though, Trace is absolutely the sweetest to Ashley. Just watching these two interact is pure magic. They are the cutest ever.

I first met Ashley while taking her senior photos several years ago. Then when she emailed me about her wedding day I was just grinning ear to ear! I LOVE getting to be there for continued HUGE milestones. This is so special and I’m so honored to get to capture this beautiful couple’s wedding day soon.

July 13th can’t come soon enough!!!


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