This girl’s chords! GAH! And rising cheer captain next year, and class president to boot!
This one’s been a long time coming! Ashlyn and I have been excitedly DMing each other for years dreaming up her senior photoshoot. It all started at DHCA! Ashlyn was of my computer class students. We have stayed in touch through Instagram ever since. Seeing her show up in Nashville looking gorgeous as can be and getting to capture it all was the best. This girl puts in the work for business with her chic and fun flare spin. Her balance of drive and spunk will carry her well into her desired profession of a doctor. And the camera just couldn’t get enough of her eyes – Her confident individuality shines through them. We had such a good time with this shoot. Ashlyn definitely left her mark on my camera lens.
Ashlyn is as smart as she is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what all she does after high school. Love you girl! So grateful for the opportunity to capture this milestone and super proud of you!

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