Pop off Hannah!! Hold on though, I just need a minute to go retrieve my jaw that was just dropped…
Yes, that was me completely stunned when this show stopper showed up. I met up with Hannah in Birmingham for her senior photoshoot recently and I was completely unaware that I was about to take some of the best photos ever. I first met Hannah a few years ago at her sister’s senior session. She was much younger, a total cutie, sweet as can be, but not rocking it out at this attitude level. Let me tell ya folks, she has arrived!
And her band photos! Whoa! They didn’t make band kids like that when I was in school. She has me wanting to go purchase a saxophone now. hahahaha. I am just in love with these soo hard! I love this girl, her fabulous family and so pumped to watch her go big for her senior year! Keep showing up girl. you are good at this!

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