That face you make when a random man on the streets of Nashville walks by playing a saxophone with zero skills, but full confidence… It’s sounded like the most horrible squawking noise. Then, that same man proceeded to try and get into an elevator but got stuck inside the elevator. Lizzie, her mom and I all watched in disbelief as a rescue team went to work to help this saxophone playing man be saved from his unfortunate situation. I turned to Lizzie and said, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to college in Nashville? This could be your everyday scene.” We all were laughing so hard as the most beautiful photos were simultaneously being taken. So yes folks, come to Nashville for your senior photos and get photography and a show! The man was finally set free from the elevator blunder and just walked by us squawking his saxophone without skipping a beat. But also definitely not on beat… hahahaha it was hilarious.
Anyways, this was the most fun day with Lizzie and her mom Kim. We explored so many cool area’s in Nashville and I enjoyed catching up with them too. I first met Lizzie when she was in 5th grade I think… I was her computer teacher at DHCA and now seeing her all grown up and just beautiful as can be warms my heart so much!!! Ahhhhh sooo special. I just love this girl and I reassured her that if she ever needs a good laugh to just meet me in Nashville and we will take a walk through the city. Love you Lizzie! So pumped for you big amazing senior year.

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