Where do I even begin with this super model!!! Reagan met me in Decatur on the coldest day in history. Two things ran across my mind… #1, Why is it so cold in the middle of March? #2, How has this gorgeous girl not been discovered by a talent agency. I told Reagan to not forget me when she is on the big screen! She is such a doll and has the sweetest personality too.
Beyond being just beautiful, she is tough!! You can’t get photos this stunning on a cold day like this unless you have some grit. This was the cold that hurt. The kind that makes everyone wish they had rescheduled but we have already come this far so let’s do it. And in all transparency, sessions and weddings this year have been super hard with weather. It will predict a sunny warm day that morning and then three hours later be raining and cold. I’m grateful to all my clients who have been rolling with this crazy weather. The results have been amazing, but not without effort. Reagan, you are beautiful girl and I am so grateful to have got to spend this day with you. You are incredible!

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