Did I just take the most magical photo ever? This scene is absolutely unreal to me! Like, how did this happen? I will tell you how! We were at the Birmingham Botanical Garden and I was taking my time picking my usual spots when the guy riding on go-cart yell’s “The Garden’s close in 10 minutes” I’m like, “whhhhattt!” So I have Lili & Jesse get into position in this nearby spot… I wouldn’t normally choose… This is just proof that I work well under pressure, because look at the results. This is also a beautiful reminder to myself to always try new things. I’m so in love with these. The five minutes in these pink flowers made my photography dreams come true.
I can hardly wait for Lili & Jesse’s Wedding Day this fall at Harvest Hollow! These two are so sweet and cute. Taking their engagement photos was such a good time. I’m counting down the days until we meet with them next!

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